Adding People
Right click > add new user
Extension dropdown > Open Full List > Users > Invite users (top right corner)
Type in your coworkers email that they are using and click invite.
The user you have sent your invitation request to (if on the same app ‘full list page’ ) gets a notification under requests.
Enabling Notifications
Enable google chrome notifications for Todoed extension so that you get immediately notified when task is added by yourself or team member.
Working it
Highlighting a text anywhere in your browser, then right clicking gives you the option of adding a task to your Todoed. It also gives you an option of adding it to other people’s (your coworkers you add here in the options page) tasklist.
Clicking on the plugin next to the address bar shows you what tasks you have listed and shows what tasks others have listed for you.
Double clicking on the tasks in pluggin view gives you a chance to edit them.
When you click the little Gear, it takes you to Todoed Options and there you have to “authorize users” and “send request to get authorized”. In essence add emails of people you are collaborating with to sync your Todoed.
Deleting a task given to you by another, indicates that you have finished the task.
For ex. When I delete a task given to me by Nishchal on my Todoed, it shows itself as a completed task in his Todoed indicated as a ‘strikethrough’ text
Thus deletion = completion.